About Us
Who Are We?
Who Are You?
We are a group of creators, makers, dreamers, dabblers, crafters, seamstresses, quilters, home decorators, embroiderers, inventors, designers and teachers, all united by a passion for fabrics, creativity and learning.
Our skills range from beginners learning how to make simple repairs to clothing or sew a pillow cover to experts who design and draft patterns, teach sewing or make a living through textile arts.
- An experienced sewist wanting to connect with others who share your passion
- A person who has never used a sewing machine but is interested in learning how to do some simple projects
- Someone whose mother, grandmother, favorite aunt or family friend created unique handmade gifts and you want to follow in their footsteps
- An up-and-coming fashion designer with a million garment ideas who lacks the sewing skills to make them a reality
- A cosplayer or historical reenactor wanting to make your own outfits

Whatever interest you have in sewing and working with fabric and whatever your level of skill
we have a place for you in the Denver Sewing Guild!